Documents related to the Department of the Force (DAF) Tinian Divert Infrastructure Improvements Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) are available here for downloading or online browsing.
The signed Record of Decision (ROD) for the Final SEIS is below.
The Notice of Availability for the ROD was published in the Federal Register and available below.
The Executive Summary, Main Volume, and Appendices Volume of the Final SEIS are available below.
The Notice of Availability for the Final SEIS in the Federal Register is below.
Newspaper notices announcing the availability of the Final EIS were published in CNMI newspapers to coincide with the Notice of Availability in the Federal Register.
The Executive Summary, Main Volume, and Appendices Volume of the PubDraft SEIS are available below.
The Notice of Availability for the Draft SEIS was published in the Federal Register on May 17, 2019.
Newspaper notices announcing the public review period and public hearing for the Draft SEIS will be published in CNMI newspapers to coincide with the Notice of Availability.
An information sheet about the Tinian Divert Infrastructure Improvements Draft SEIS is available below.
Tinian Divert Infrastructure Improvements Draft SEIS Information Sheet
The posters that will be displayed at the public hearing are available for review.
Tinian Divert Infrastructure Improvements Draft SEIS Hearing Posters
The Notice of Intent to prepare an SEIS was published in the Federal Register.
Newspaper notices announcing the scoping period and scoping meeting were published in CNMI newspapers.
An information sheet about the Tinian Divert Infrastructure Improvements is available below.
Tinian Divert Infrastructure Improvements Information Sheet
The posters that will be displayed at the public scoping meeting are available for review..